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Efektivní vyhledávání v ScienceDirect, publikování v časopisech Elsevier a další online semináře

Zveme Vás na sérii online školení předního odborného vydavatelství Elsevier. Školení budou probíhat v angličtině a pro zaměstnance a studenty JU jsou zdarma.

Podrobné informace spolu s odkazy pro registraci (nutné použít e-mailovou adresu s doménu najdete níže:


Elsevier May&June webinars schedule:

9.05.2023: Effective literature search on Scopus and ScienceDirect - combining two high-quality sources for best results

Learn tips and tricks for doing literature search and discover how to do it efficiently in Scopus and ScienceDirect.


16.05.2023: How to identify relevant topics and journals with Scopus and SciVal?

Tips on how to find relevant topic and journal with Scopus and SciVal and quick topics overview.


30.05.2023: Elsevier Author workshop

Session to support authors (from beginners to more experienced) in how to publish scientific papers/books. You will have the opportunity to be (virtually) face to face with the experts from Elsevier publishing team. A unique opportunity!


13.06.2023: How to assess your input into SDG?

During the webinar participants will learn how SDGs are presented in Elsevier analytical solutions and how this information could be used for further input assessment.

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