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List of databases

List of databases contains acronym of faculty, institute or parts of university, which has access to the particular database:

AK [Academic Library]    BC [Biology Centre CAS]    JU [University of South Bohemia]    TF [Faculty of Theology]

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University staff and students can connect to e-resources from PCs outside of USB via VPN concentrator.

For databases with the option to connect without a VPN, ie via a Shibboleth institutional connection, the Shibboleth icon is listed in the database details. You can log in to such a database from any computer with the Internet. To log in, select "institutional loging" or a similar link under the "Sing in", "Log in" icon, etc. Then search for and then search the University of South Bohemia. The login name and password are the same as into the STAG.

Sources are funded by OP Research and Development for Innovation.


Access: FREE

AcademicInfo is an online education resource centre with a plethora of online degrees, online courses and distance learning information from a selection of online accredited schools. More.


Access: AK - JU

A multidisciplinary full-text database contains more than 8,500 full-text journals, including more than 7,300 peer-reviewed journals.


Access: CDs in the library of the Faculty of Theology.

A full-text database contains complete texts of 68 Acta Sanctorum printed volumes published over 300 years. It includes materials from the life of saints from the beginnings of Christianity to the 16th century. It maps the development of Christian attitudes and thinking in historical contexts. In addition to the original texts in Latin, it also contains introductory materials, criticisms and registers.


Access: FREE

AGRIS is a global public domain database with structured bibliographical records on agricultural science and technology, including forestry, livestock production, water management and nutrition of the population. It also includes special papers (scientific and technical reports, dissertations, etc.).


Access: AK - EF

Amadeus contains comprehensive information on around 21 million companies across Europe. You can use it to research individual companies, search for companies with specific profiles and for analysis.


Access: AK - BC

Collection of American Chemical Society journals. More.


Access: JU

ATLA Religion Database is the leading index for journal articles, book reviews, and essay collections from all areas of theology, religion, history and social sciences. It also includes an online collection of theological journals published by ATLA. It contains more than 620,000 article citations from over 1,746 periodicals (currently 575 indexed), more than 250,000 essay citations from more than 18,000 proceedings, and more than 570,000 citations of book reviews and a growing number of multimedia citations.

BIBLEWORKS (verze 9)

Access: CDs in the library of the Faculty of Theology

A full-text database for Bible study. Contains biblical texts in many languages. Access through the Litterae Ante Portas database. An access password can be obtained at the Faculty of Theology Library.


Access: FREE

Collection of specialized information gates to selected web resources created by experts from the University of Nottingham.


Access: AK - JU

A full-text database providing a unique collection of 191 biology and ecology journals. Allows you to search in a collection of abstracts that refer to full-text articles. The retrospective usually goes back to 2000. Updates to the database take place every month. Just register at for mobile device access. List of titles.


Access: AK - BC - JU

Online journals from Blackwell Publishing (now Wiley).


Access: AK -JU

CAB eBooks is a collection of e-books covering fields such as agriculture, food, nutrition, veterinary medicine, medicine, botany, leisure, entertainment, the environment and its protection, and so on. More info.

CABI eRefWorks

Access: AK -JU

13 professional reference sources (encyclopaedias and dictionaries) focused on natural sciences. More info.


Dostupnost: AK - JU

Publications of the French publishing house Classiques Garnier Publishers are available on the platform. It provides online professional books and journals for literary science and humanity, French and francophone literary works, primarily sources, grammars, dictionaries and encyclopedias.


Access: FREE

Biography of more than 10 000 Authors in Czech Literature.


Access: FREE

An electronic archive of documents in the field of psychology, neuroscience, linguistics, philosophy, biology, medicine, anthropology, computer science, etc. More.


Access: FREE

A bibliographic database providing Czech national production with a retrospective from 1980 for books, since 1990 for newspapers and periodical, since 1989 for dissertation and essays.


Access: FREE

A bibliographic database containing records of scientific, professional and popular journals, yearbooks and daily newspapers dealing with agriculture and food published in the Czech Republic.


Access: FREE

A multidisciplinary full-text database.


Access: AK - BC - JU

An interface for accessing all databases provided by EBSCO. Instructions and utilities.

EBSCO Discovery Service

Access: AK - JU

A multi-search engine across the library's electronic resources, users are guaranteed easy and efficient access to information resources from a single search interface. EBSCO Discovery Service contains selected pre-paid electronic databases and also information about articles and other documents from online sources not prepaid by SBU. Accessibility of the full text is based on the license terms of each database.

EBSCO eBooks

Access: AK - JU

EBSCO eBooks is a collection of selected electronic books from various disciplines. Books can be viewed online (just like articles from databases) or downloaded for offline reading. Each user must install Adobe Digital Editions, which is available for free and must be registered on EBSCA (My EBSCOHost) to download books (for e-reader). All e-readers supporting Adobe Digital Editions are compatible with EBSCO eBooks. Users can define the duration of the loan (1 to 7 days). E-book expires and cannot be opened after the specified period of time.


Access: FREE

Virtual Economic Library Econlib website is the output of the MŠMT-LI200007 project. The goal of this project was to provide access to available information sources and services to all researchers in economics and related fields.


Access: AK - BC

The online version of Encyclopedia of Ecology on ScienceDirect.

ERIC (Education Resource Information Center)

Access: AK - JU

An extensive educational bibliografic resource. It contains more than 1.3 million records and links to more than 323,000 full-text documents for the period since 1966.


Access: AK - JU

Essential Science Indicators (ESI) is a science assessment tool by analysing published articles. ESI uses both the total number of quotes and the average quotes per the paper work for measuring the significance and impact of paper works. ESI tracks only magazines indexed in the Web of Science.

Instructional videos.


Access: AK - JU

EZB (Electronic Journals Library) is a service to facilitate access to all full-text scholarly journals which are free to use on the internet or which AI prepays. It offers a fast, structured and unified interface to access full-text articles online.


Access: FREE

A database of full texts and abstracts of articles from HighWire Press.


Access: AK - JU

Full-text database of documents in the field of electrical engineering, communications and informatics from IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) and IET (Institution of Engineering and Technology). IEL also offers conference proceedings, standards, books, courses and more. This is access to more than 5 million documents. Complete coverage of the retrospective in IEL goes back to 1988, but selected important documents are covered from as early as 1913.


Access: AK - JU

InCites is an analytical tool that performs analyses of scientific results at institutional, industry, disciplines, and global levels based on citations of publications indexed in the Web of Science.

You need to register with your e-mail address as your login name or use your personal account at Web of Science for work with InCites. Account registration needs to be done from university or VPN concentrator.

Instructional videos for work with InCites.


Access: AK - BC - JU

A multidisciplinary resource for reviewing journals is part of the Web of Science. It contains statistical data and quantitative tools for the mutual comparison of scientific and professional journals. The database presents quantifiable statistical data that provides a systematic, objective way to evaluate the world's leading journals and their impact and influence in the global research community.

Tutorials for searching in JCR.


Access: AK - JU (Access to Arts & Sciences I-IV); AK - BC (Access to Life Science)

JSTOR contains an archive of digitized full texts of major American scientific journals focusing on anthropology, archaeology, philosophy, history, sociology, political science, economics, statistics, mathematics, education, law, linguistics. Within the LR1305 project for access to information resources for the humanities, access to collection I-IV is provided:

  • Arts & Sciences I includes core journals from economics, history, political science, literature and linguistics, partly from education, anthropology, and sociology. The collection includes 151 magazine titles.
  • Arts & Sciences II offers core journals from history, business and economics, sociology, and political science. The collection includes 166 titles of magazines.
  • Arts & Sciences III includes journals from linguistics, literature, art and architecture, music and film. The collection includes 188 titles.
  • Arts & Sciences IV is a collection focused on business, education, law, psychology, and public administration. The collection includes 136 magazine titles.

The Life Sciences collection is available only for Biological Centre of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.


Access: JU

Students of the Faculty of Theology will receive a password in the TF library. Access for others on SBU is provided by Ing. Jurášová. You must install the Netman client to use the database.
Server of databases of texts for the study and research of Greek and Latin authors. The databases are primarily intended for classical philologists, medievalists, historians, theologians, and specialists in other related disciplines.


Access: AK - JU

A full-text database containing over 350,000 texts of poems, dramas and novels of English and American literature. It provides hypertext links to more than 15,000 literary texts. It covers the period from the 6th century to the present. All works are indexed, accompanied by dictionaries and reference publications.


Access: AK - JU

A full-text research database of historical resources that allows access to old digitized manuscripts.

National Digital Library (DNNT)

Access: AK - JU

Logged-in users are allowed to access Out of Commerce Works (DNNT), i.e. monographs published in the Czech Republic before 2003 and newspapers and magazines published before 2013, if they are published on the List of Out of Commerce Works. These documents can be read, but not downloaded or printed.


Access: AK - JU

It is a comprehensive database of full texts from magazines published by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins in combination with two bibliographic databases focused on health care, especially nursing.

Ovid Nursing Full Text +:

access to 50 research and practice journals
full texts including pictures, more than 22,000 current articles
retrospective since 1995, full texts since 2015
archive rights to the content of magazines issued for the period of subscription (at least 3 years subscription)

Ovid Emcare bibliographic database:

more than 3700 indexed journals, no embargo - more than any other nursing database!
access to more than 1,800 journals not available in other nursing databases
more than 5 million records since 1995
annual increase of up to 250,000 records

Ovid Nursing Proprietary Bibliographic Dataset:

more than 375,000 bibliographic records from more than 400 nursing journals
includes links from bibliographic records to full text in Evidence-Based Medicine Reviews (EBMR)


Access: AK - JU

An access to selected collections of electronic magazines by Oxford University Press in full-text form. Tutorial is HERE.

OXFORD JOURNALS - Science Archive

Access: AK - JU

Full texts of journals. Content from 1849-1995.


Access: FREE

A multidisciplinary database of electronic magazines on the principle of "Open Access". More.


Access: AK - JU

A multidisciplinary collection ProQuest Central offers more than 20,000 professional resources from business, economics, medicine, science, social and humanities, technology and art, including 15,000 full texts.


Access: FREE

Specialized service The National Library of Medicine focuses on medicine and related fields. Contains links to full text articles from the Medline database and other biomedical resources.

REPEC (Research Papers in Economics)

Access: FREE

RePEc is a collaborative effort of hundreds of volunteers to enhance the dissemination of research in Economics and related sciences. The heart of the project is a decentralized bibliographic database of working papers, journal articles, books, books chapters and software components, all maintained by volunteers. So far, over 1,900 archives from 96 countries have contributed about 2.5 million research pieces from 2,800 journals and 4,500 working paper series. It indexes over 2,500,000 items of research, including over 2,300,000 that can be downloaded in full text.


Access: AK - BC - JU

A multidisciplinary database of Elsevier publishing magazines. Focuses on Physical Sciences and Engineering, Life Sciences, Medicine, Veterinary, Social Sciences and Humanities.


Access: AK - JU

SCOAP3 (Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics) is an international association of more than a thousand libraries and research organizations from countries promoting open access to scientific articles in the field of nuclear and subnuclear physics. The project is covered by the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN).

The SCOAP3 for Books initiative is a pilot that the SCOAP3 Governing Council (GC) has established at its May 2019 meeting to leverage the strong network of the Collaboration and the relationships with scholarly publishing to transition key textbooks and monographs in particle physics and neighboring fields to open access.

The project was designed and is run by a working group comprised of volunteers from among the SCOAP3 partner institutions. A first purchasing recommendation of 102 existing books (backlist) was approved by the GC in May 2021 and the books are in the process of being transitioned (see regularly updated list below). The working group is now preparing a second set of books that will consist of some more backlist titles to be transitioned to OA as well as new books directly made available Open Access. Based on the experience of these two pilot sets, the GC will make a decision about establishing a regular SCOAP3 for Books programme in 2022.


Access: AK - BC - JU

A bibliographic database allows searching of more than 14,000 periodicals coming mainly from European origin. The database is focused on natural sciences, agriculture, environment, social sciences, medicine, psychology, economics and others. In addition to searching the records of articles, patents, conferences and expert website offers views of abstracts and references with links to cited and citing articles.


Access: AK - JU

A multidisciplinary full-text and bibliographic database of articles from Springer's scientific and professional journals. It contains information from the fields of natural sciences, medicine, the environment, computer science, economics and engineering. The license terms may not apply to all titles listed in the database.


elib shibboleth-logo

Access: AK - JU

The Social Science & Humanities Library from Taylor & Francis includes the full texts of over 1,400 peer-reviewed journal titles in the social sciences and humanities.

If you are logging in outside USB, click on the Log in link at the top right and then find the University of South Bohemia in Ceske Budejovice in the list of institutions. Select it and log in using the same data as in the university STAG system.


Access: Free

The UIG provides simultaneous searching in different Czech and foreign resources (library catalogues, union catalogues, full-text databases etc.) through one user interface. Resources available in UIG are free accessible or licensed (the access is possible only from defined IP addresses).


Access: AK - BC

Ulrichsweb is an easy to search source of detailed information on more than 300,000 periodicals (also called serials) of all types: academic and scholarly journals, e-journals, peer-reviewed titles, popular magazines, newspapers, newsletters, and more.


Access: AK - BC - JU

Web of Science Core Collection is a database service of Thomson Reuters. This tool allows you to search 55 million bibliographic records of top journals, conference proceedings and scientific monographs from natural sciences, engineering and social sciences, arts and humanities. Within the WoS, there is also database Journal Citation Reports (source of Impact Factor) available.

bibliografických záznamů špičkových časopisů, konferenčních sborníků a vědeckých monografií z přírodních, technických a společenských věd, umění a humanit. V rámci WoS je dostupná také databáze Journal Citation Reports (zdroj Impact Factoru). [ Welcome Kit | Nahrané tréninky | Termíny webinářů s trenérem | Ke stažení ]


  1. Go to
  2. If you do not see the login page right away, click on Sign in in the top right and then on Sign in again.
  3. On the login page, click the Institutional Sing in drop-down menu.
  4. Select Czech academic identity federation eduID and confirm with the Go to institution button. (SEE PICTURE)
  5. Select the University of South Bohemia.
  6. Enter your credentials for STAG.
  7. If you also have a personal registration with Wos (it is free and allows you to save your search history, create notifications for new records according to the specified criteria, etc.), then log in to your personal registration by clicking on the Sign in link at the top right.



Access: AK - BC - JU

A multidisciplinary collection of online resources from Publisher Wiley.

© 2021 University of South Bohemia